Sunday, March 4, 2018

Warmer Days Ahead

It snowed a ton here last night and this morning. It's March 4th and I am REALLY ready for spring. Nothing makes me question my life choices (of moving back to Utah) like snow in March. (Just kidding, snow in May does. ;) )

A phrase has repeatedly come to mind recently. It's this: 

"...winter will surely give way to the warmth and hope of a new spring." (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

I'm really grateful for that truth. No matter how long the cold, dark, bitter, winter - spring WILL come. No matter how many crazy bitter storms, warmer days ARE ahead. It's a truth we know. We know spring will come after winter. 

I've thought about this truth in life. I've experienced it. Some seasons last longer than others. My "winter" of job hunting lasted three years. There were some bitter, cold, dark days during those years. But deep down, I did know that spring comes after winter. I knew my winter would end. I knew (and still know) that the sun always comes out. (Read this post here.)

And, even in the midst of cold winters, we can find beauty. As much as I really dislike winter, I love the glistening snow on the trees. It's beautiful. We can find beauty in the "winters" of our lives. 

After winter comes new life. Things come alive again. There's so much hope in this knowledge. As cheesy as it is, after job hunting for three years and now having a new job, I feel alive again. I feel like a new person. 

Spring is symbolic of rebirth and renewal - specifically our Savior. I'm grateful for Him who is the hope of all things. Because of Him the winters of our lives WILL end and warmer days are ahead. If you are struggling, I can promise you that things will get better. 

"...bad days come to an end, that faith always triumphs, and that heavenly promises are always kept." (Jeffrey R. Holland)