Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Millennium

I have to be honest, I haven't known a lot about the millennium or given it a lot of thought really. Until this week, that is. In my personal Gospel study this week I've been studying about the Second Coming and the millennium. Of course, I've been pretty familiar with the doctrine concerning the Second Coming. But, oh my goodness... the millennium sounds like a fabulous time to be living on the earth. Christ will personally be here on earth?!?! I can't even imagine. So many other cool things... like Satan being bound. People will still continue to have children as they do now. And, those kids will grow up without sin. Man, I sure want to have kids during the millennium! Those kids are super lucky! It sounds like a really good deal to me.

The crazy thing is, there's a really good chance you and I could experience this! The signs of the Second Coming are all around us. The Lord is hastening His work. I mean, just look at all of these missionaries going out. It is so exciting. A little scary to me, but mostly exciting.

I will post more on this as I study and learn more. I just had to share some quick thoughts because I am so excited about my studies this week.

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