Friday, March 28, 2014


Yesterday I was standing outside at the car dealership waiting for the guy to bring me some paperwork to get the oil changed in my car. No one else was around really. There was a slight breeze blowing. I looked at the cars around me, looked at the palm trees, up at the blue sky, at the cars driving on the busy road nearby... and I just had this thought, "this is life. Life is happening RIGHT NOW." I don't know how to adequately describe it, but it was one of "those moments." 

I've also had the thought lately of, "I signed up for this." I'm not sure how much I knew I was getting into when I agreed to Heavenly Father's plan, but I do know I was excited about coming down to earth. With the amazing opportunity to live and breathe and get a body would come the trials of mortal life. 

Life is not all fun and games. I think way too often I wish it were. Don't get me wrong, Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and have a great time here on earth, but not every moment is going to be a party. I wish things could be easy. But, no. Unfortunately we have to deal with the hard things and the small and trivial matters of life including laundry, oil changes, dentist visits, etc. 

But, it's all part of the plan. Yes, laundry, oil changes and dentist visits are part of the plan. Dealing with these mortal matters teach us patience and humility. Life is not perfect, but it is helping us to become perfect people. 

This all reminds me of a quote. "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." Isn't that the truth?!

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