Sunday, January 11, 2015

Quiet Time

I love my quiet alone time. And I'm so lucky to have a lot of it. I've realized I should cherish every moment of it. One day I will probably have a house full of noisy little kiddos begging for my attention and I'm sure my quiet time will be a lot less. So, there's a huge blessing of being single- my alone time. :)

But anyway, I love my quiet time because it gives me the opportunity to ponder and reflect. I think a lot. (Probably too much, but that's a different story.) And I've come to a conclusion- pondering brings gratitude. I've seen how I've recognized the Lord's hand in my life more as I've pondered. Which isn't surprising. Obviously we're not going to be attentive to Him if we are preoccupied.

I've been so grateful as I've thought about how He has blessed me and guided my life and allowed me to have certain experiences and meet certain people. 

Pondering has brought me peace, gratitude and happiness. And definitely closer to The Lord. 

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