Saturday, August 22, 2015

"We Were Not Placed on This Earth to Walk Alone"

I've recently been reminded that there are good people in this world. This week was one of "those" weeks where every little thing seemed to go wrong. But amazing friends and family helped me a lot (you know who you are!). And then, of course, today, at the store a nice lady held the door open for me. Too bad I managed to hit my elbow on the door. I then headed to another store where I stubbed my toe on the shopping cart somehow (yes, #accidentprone). I looked down to see blood gushing. So, I hurried to the bathroom. A nice lady asked me if I was ok. I told her I was fine. She left. I was surprised when she came back with some bandaids and neosporin. It was a small act of kindness, but it touched me so much. There are good people in this world and I am so thankful. Sometimes I am so independent and stubborn, but Heavenly Father gives me trials to humble me and help me recognize I am so, so dependent on Him and my fellow brothers and sisters in this life. Thomas S. Monson said, "We were not placed on this earth to walk alone." I am learning so much that I definitely can't do it on my own! Thankfully I don't have to.

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