Friday, April 30, 2021

God's Loving Care

Every so often I feel like God gives me little "tender mercies" to show that He's there, He loves me and He cares for me. Today, I experienced one of those. 

This morning I had a doctor appointment about 25 minutes away from where I live. As I was walking out of the doctor's office after my appointment, I saw a friend sitting by the exit. She lives even further away than I do! I was so surprised to see her there. Neither of us live in the town where our doctors are at. It seemed so random to see her there! We chatted for a couple of minutes and then I was on my way. It was fun to see her. Such a fun "coincidence"

As I was traveling home on the freeway about 15 minutes into my drive traffic started to slow down abruptly. Soon, I heard sirens and saw the police cars coming. As I approached where an accident had occurred, it was obvious that it had happened just minutes earlier. They were blocking off lanes still, etc. And boy, those cars were really smashed. 

As I drove home the rest of the way I had the impression that it was definitely not a "coincidence" that I saw my friend at the doctor's office. She was placed perfectly by the exit so I'd see her and chat with her. If I had been on my way a couple of minutes earlier from that appointment, I don't doubt it could have been me in that accident.

When I prayed before I left my apartment this morning, I prayed for safety and protection as I traveled. God certainly answered that prayer. Grateful for His love, His care and Him placing us where we need to be at the very moment we need to be there. 

Neal A Maxwell said: 

None of us ever fully utilizes the people-opportunities allocated to us within our circles of friendship. You and I may call these intersectings “coincidence.” This word is understandable for mortals to use, but coincidence is not an appropriate word to describe the workings of an omniscient God. He does not do things by “coincidence” but instead by “divine design.”

I saw His "divine design" in my life today. 

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