Thursday, February 19, 2015


Sacrifice. This topic has been on my mind. So, I've been studying it in my Gospel study. This morning I came across a definition of it I really like:

"To sacrifice is to give up something valuable or precious, often with the intent of accomplishing a greater purpose or goal." (


"To sacrifice is to give up something good for something better." (unknown). LOVE that.

This reminds me of a picture I saw. I won't post it due to possible copyright issues. But, you can Google it. :) It is of a little girl holding a small teddy bear. God is holding out a hand to ask her to give the teddy bear to Him. She says, "But I love it." He says, "Trust me." Behind his back in the other hand is a bigger teddy bear.

I've had a lesson with sacrifice lately. I feel like God is asking me to give up something I really like. But I can't see the bigger teddy bear yet. And that is hard. I suppose that is where faith comes in. Faith and sacrifice are closely linked.

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