Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It Won't Always Be This Way

This quote popped into my head tonight after I popped open my dinner - a can of Campbell's soup. As I opened the soup I thought, "My life is pathetic. My dinner is ready in less than two minutes." It was just one of those moments when I definitely felt like a 28-year-old single girl living the apartment life.

Don't get me wrong, my life is pretty good and I am happy overall. But there are those times (ok, maybe everyday) when I yearn for a family of my own. But I'm thankful to know that things won't always be this way. I won't be single forever. I won't be living off canned soup forever (okay, so I don't necessarily "live off" soup, but you get the idea). I know there are such great blessings in store for me. I will definitely remain faithful and endure now so I can enjoy those blessings when the time comes.

(Quote by Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

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